Photo by Ned Harris |
You're thinking: Biggest hummingbird ever! He's not, of course. He's an
American Wigeon. For more from Sweetwater Wetlands, fly over to
Ned's Flickr site.
Now for the hummer news: Banding in Sabino Canyon will start March 24; that's great. The Madera Canyon site is no longer available, however, and the Hummingbird Banding Network is looking for another site in the Santa Ritas. If you know anyone who owns a ranch in Gardner Canyon (for example) or have other ideas for sites, please contact Elissa
through this site. If you are interested in helping in Sabino Canyon,
please look at this site and contact Elissa. We need feeder changers during the week, banding help every other Saturday in Sabino Canyon (and, of course, at other sites).